Welcome to Mu Alpha Mu
Do All Things In Love
- 1 Corinthians 16:14
This is a place where all can come and feel welcome, receive support, and be loved by sisters from across the globe. We’ve all heard of and perhaps even pledged a sorority before; the stories and experiences have been both good and bad. However, here at Mu Alpha Mu, we are committed to developing a culture of unity, empowerment, and servitude.
As servant leaders, we are on an assignment to have each one reach one, by living a lifestyle and walking in integrity and Christian character. We will serve as advocates for our communities, charitable causes, our fellow sorors, and most of all as servants of God. Mu Alpha Mu is not just a sorority, it is a God-ordained entity destined to make its footprint both locally and internationally in the earth. If you are a woman that is ready to begin the journey to sisterhood, Mu Alpha Mu Multicultural Christian Sorority is for you.
Join us in revolutionizing the meaning and purpose of a “Sorority.”
Sisterhood, Service, Unity and Love